Saturday, March 13, 2010


Time for a new blog, new web address, so please head over to the new blog and change your bookmark :)
Head over and leave me a message!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beautiful Julia take 2 - Gold Coast Photographer

This weekend I met up with Helen. Andrew and the beautiful Miss Julia to take 2 on their newborn shoot. At 2 weeks Julia didn't want to sleep, at 4 weeks she was the same! However she was very happy to lie there and pose this time. And I must say I totally adore this session, I love the shots I got, and Helen, I hope you and Andrew love them as well.
Helen is a ladybug fan, something I did not know when she booked her session, yet coincidentally I made a "Do Not Open" sign out of ladybug paper for Helen's maternity session! So when I saw these ladybug wings, I had to get them for Miss Julia's newborn session. I am so glad I did!
Helen and Andrew, it was an absolute pleasure and I can't wait to capture Julia as she grows up - she is so beautiful, talk about making a girl clucky!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thank you :) - {Gold Coast Photographer}

For Evelyn, who I know is waiting to see them :)
I love my jobs (both of them!), Evelyn thank you for letting me be a part of your life, you have a beautiful family xx
:) Rana

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Family - {Gold Coast Photographer}

I photographed Cathy's sister in law's wedding a while a go and ever since we have talked about getting together for family photos :) We finally got together over the weekend and captured some beautiful family moments.
Cathy hope these are finally worth the wait! Will be in touch soon with your gallery.
xx Rana :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family = Special - {Gold Coast Photographer}

Carole contacted me about getting some family photos done while her mum was visiting from the UK, it sounds like Carole and her mum Rosemary have had a wonderful holiday together and I'm sure there will be plenty of tears when its time for Rosemary to head home, not just from the 2 of them but from Rosemary's grandsons as well, you can tell they have a lovely relationship :)
Carole was great to catch up with you all, hope you had a nice evening. Here are a few photos for you and I'll be in touch soon with the rest of your gallery.
xx Rana :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beautiful Julia - Gold Coast Photographer

This week I had the delight of meeting the beautiful Miss Julia (pronounced more like French Julie). You may recognise her mum from this session. Beautiful Miss J was 8 days old when I met her and I envisioned lots of beautiful shots, but unfortunately Julia was not having a bar of it, so we didn't get any angelic sleeping shots (but will try again another day), don't let her fool you, she is not sleeping in any of these shots. Then the midwife arrived and she put on her most photogenic behaviour, so we got a few extra awake shots before I left.
Helen and Andrew, she is extremely beautiful (I had thoughts that she might be!!), hope these will do you untill we can make a time for another shoot, the rest of the gallery will be up soon.
xxx Rana

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beautiful NZ wedding #2 - {Gold Coast Photographer}

As promised the 2nd installment of Martha and Lucas' wedding :)
Despite the rain we raved the beach, shoes off and had a lot of fun, we didn't have long as the only umbrella I brought with me, you see in the photos, somehow I managed to keep the camera kind of dry, it was worth it I think :)
A big thank you to Kylie Douglass who came and helped me out at the wedding, it was great to have an extra pair of hands :)
I love these photos, it was alot of fun to have a bit of a play when editing them, as you will see, I have done a few different things with a few of them, I love the effects :)
I was excited when I saw the 1st lot of photos, the way the circles have made a spiral makes me think of the Maori Koru -
The Maori Koru design is inspired by the New Zealand fern frond unfurling as it grows. It represents peace, tranquility, personal growth, positive change and awakening. It is associated with new life and harmony, so makes a wonderful gift for a new parent or child, newlyweds, or anyone starting on a new phase of their life.
Martha and Lucas incorporated the Koru into their wedding rings and had a beautiful Koru ornament on their table.
Again, Martha thank you for contacting me xx
Will be in touch with the rest of your photos in a few weeks xx

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beautiful NZ wedding #1 - {Gold Coast Photographer}

Facebook is an amazing thing, yes you will find me on there. Martha is one of the many school friends I have reconnected with, thanks to facebook and when she contacted me about wedding photos I very quickly became excited about the idea, not only was it chance to take gorgeous wedding photos, it was an awesome excuse to take my family back to New Zealand for a holiday.
The wedding was planned for 6.30 at night on the beach, at 1st this worried me (loss of light), but I soon remembered that6.30pm in NZ might as well be the middle of the day.
Apparently on January 16th the sun rose at 6.08am and set at 9.10pm, however we did not see it as it was grey all day, rainy and grey. This did not deter Martha and Lucas, the wedding was moved indoors and the greyest day became the most beautiful, loving, spiritual day.
Martha and her 3 beautiful girls walked in to the sound of an amazing tribal drum (which was beaten again at cake cutting), and I must admit, when Lucas came over and greated the girls with a kiss and gentle whispers, my heart melted and I teared up.
It was a truly beautiful wedding and I was so greatful to be part of it.
Becauseas always I want to share too many photos, there will be 2 blog post, 1 today, 1 tomorrow.
Martha, Lucas, Kirra, Maisie & Sylvia, that you for letting me be part of a special moment in your life.
Arohanui, Rana xxx