Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family is special - {Gold Coast Photographer}

This week in between catching hundreds of babies I found some time to head down to the beach and take some photos of my cousins. They are more like my neices than cousins as they are the same ages as my kids, and their mum (my Aunty) is far more like a sister to me, you know the kind of person that is always there, would be willing to give the shirt of her back if we needed it. I don't always get the chance to tell her how special she is to me and how much I appreciate how much she does for me and my family. All her support means so much to me and I am so grateful that she doesn't live too far away.
Anne,THANK YOU xxxxxxx
Hope these do your girls justice :)
Love you, Rana xx

And of course no beach shot is complete without a jumping shot (it was too early to do some silhouettes)


Renee Bell said...

very cool Rana - look like a fun arvo!!

Jen Stocks said...

Fabulous shots! They are pretty girls - love the jumping shots!

Melanie Kellermann said...

What beautiful photos Rana...a great gift!

The Laughing Athlete said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like the girls had fun!!!

dani said...

beautiful shots Rana, it's so are just SO special.